Fallout new vegas smith mesa prospector camp. level 1 [deleted]. Fallout new vegas smith mesa prospector camp

 level 1 [deleted]Fallout new vegas smith mesa prospector camp Nevada State Route 157 is a roadway in the Mojave Wasteland

Gun Runners. There is usually a prospector standing near the. This is a small shack serving as sleeping space and storage for personal items for the miners. Simply Extract to your fallout Data Directory, or use FOMM. The pre-War Shady Pines trailer park has been converted by the New California Republic Rangers into a stronghold. This talk page is only for discussing improvements to the page " Smith Mesa prospector camp . Duck and Cover!: On the shelves in the locker on the left, in the. A pre-War road on the western side of the map. The Cottonwood crater is a landmark created by a nuclear warhead detonation, overlooking the Cottonwood Overlook and the gecko-filled valley stretching towards the Colorado. Hell's Motel is a small building located on the edge of the Mesquite Mountains crater in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. A prospector's dog lives here, with no immediate. rar) Give me a shout if you notice any bugs. Need help getting to a location. Harpers Shack 59. This location appeared on an early map of Fallout: New Vegas. The scorpion burrow is an unmarked location in the Mojave Wasteland. Directors of Ministry. The cliffside prospector camp is a small shack located east of Ranger Station Echo in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Search within r/Fallout. It is located just west of the hidden supply cave. Games. Serving the people of Goodsprings for decades, the cemetery now consists of just twenty-nine graves and surrounded by half. The marked men camp is a location in the Divide in 2281. El Dorado Dry Lake 65. I also make armories and. There is a radio playing Mojave Music Radio. A corral. It is situated to the south of the Cottonwood overlook and northeast of Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals. It is located to the south of Primm and to the east of the Nevada Highway Patrol station. Interstate 515 appears only in Fallout: New Vegas. It is up the rocky embankment to the west of Nevada State Route 157 just off the path to Jacobstown. There is a Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap next to an empty Sarsaparilla bottle. Knob Hill Mine, or Knob Hill, is a location in the Mojave Wasteland. House. " There's a bedroll, a campfire, and a non-hostile dog, but not much else. The wells that tap into the spring are spread out over a larger area, which can be roughly divided into three areas: The wells, the campsite, and. 1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collectors Edition p. The location appeared on an early map of Fallout: New Vegas. The Prospector's Den, in Fallout: New Vegas. It is located equidistant from Gibson scrap yard to the west and the abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker to the east. They can be found wearing anything from wasteland outfits to a full suit of metal armor, and wielding anything from a 9mm pistol. There is no entry door, just a dark cavern in the side of the mountain where a dead Bright follower can be found lying next to a pile of bones. Clark Field 57. Primm Pass 61. Image Source: Key Response Planning Factors for the Aftermath of Nuclear Terrorism (PDF), CC BY-NC-SA 4. Dogs in Fallout: New Vegas appear in many different forms, serving as guard dogs for Caesar's Legion, the Fiends and the New California Republic, and as pets of wastelanders such as Old Lady Gibson and Sunny Smiles. On each of these are makeshift shacks. Goodsprings cemetery is the cemetery of the town of Goodsprings located northeast of the town. Nevada State Route 160 is a roadway in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. It can be located on the main map easily by spotting the winding road roughly east of Goodsprings and Sloan. The motel itself has several. . It is located due west of Griffin Wares sacked caravan and to the south of Nevada State Route 157. Cottonwood Overlook 69. 0 3. From a distance, an antenna can be seen protruding from sheet metal at the edge of a small cliff. Gibson Scrap Yard 62. This mod adds a Trunk Located east of cottonwood Coves Smith Mesa Prospector camp with a interesting retextured Security suit, that looks like The guards armour in Half Life 1. Fire geckos spawn nearby. The sniper's nest is comprised of three rusty metal sheets with two for the sides and one for the roof. The Searchlight east church is a location within Camp Searchlight in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. It is a small valley with 12 graves of Great Khans that were killed during the Bitter Springs Massacre. Fallout: New Vegas. to the opening area--Note tweak (More lore)--New Boss enemy, Decius of the Far East Final version has been released. El Dorado Dry Lake 67. There is an Easy locked safe with a grenade rifle inside, but if. There is a radio playing Mojave Music Radio. Buck's Steak House is an unmarked location in Freeside. It is one of two buildings that can be entered at the Mojave Outpost. fandom. Makeshift Safehouses » Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:43 pm . The Jacobstown bungalows consist of seven cabins within close proximity to one another, three of which are accessible, on the western side of Jacobstown in 2281. When the Courier enters the building, there will be two small pillar-like bookshelves in the main room, along with some shelves and a small. Boulder City M6 - Freeside M7 - New Vegas Strip - p. It serves as a shelter and home for Private Edwards, who is hiding from feral trooper ghouls. The shack rests on a cliffside. It is located north of Ranger Station Echo. Aerotech Office Park 91. It has a bed, a bathroom with a first aid kit, a couch, tables, and an empty wardrobe. Designed for use alongside FPGE and TLD. Outside, behind the house and near a destroyed home, are some graves. H&H Tools Factory. 23 votes and 25 comments so far on Reddit The deserted shack is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. The bungalow is located two doors down from the Dino Bite gift shop, the centermost bungalow on the courtyard. If you have the Wild Wasteland trait and Rex is your companion, sometime during the game he will bark at you and, if you talk to him while he is doing this, you can use a unique dialogue option to ask. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp; Sniper's Nest. The middle bungalow is probably. Mine is the Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machine outside the Goodsprings Gas Station, though I'm planning to break up my storage by category somewhere, perhaps inside the station or elsewhere. The NCR. Fallout New Vegas - Zion Canyon map. The area contains an inaccessible building and a boarding platform is attached to the west side. close. . The general store has two levels, one of which was commercial and one residential. For Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition on the PC, Walkthrough by eolsunder. A makeshift fence has been fashioned out of wooden fence posts, concrete barriers and scrap sheet metal to deter enemies. Sarah Weintraub, the gift shop manager of Vault 21 located in the Vegas Strip, will rent out a room to the player. The Hoover Dam visitor center is a section within the Hoover Dam in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. It is a small shanty style building south-southeast of Nipton and the Mojave Drive-in. The Novac houses are two buildings within the town of Novac in the Mojave Wasteland. Campfires in the Mojave Wasteland are used to cook raw meats and to create a wide variety of medicines, chems, and poisons. In the back of the room, there is a cellar door to the Searchlight church basement. Established in 2274, shortly after the NCR secured Hoover Dam, the camp was set up around a water source, the Forlorn Hope Spring, in an effort to quickly secure the shores of the Colorado. The Steve Arc continues as we take a look at a small camp (and doggo) hidden in the side of a cliff :) enjoy!Discord: The Snyder prospector camp is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. The Courier can encounter four or five Vipers. The Camp Forlorn Hope storage shed is a location within Camp Forlorn Hope in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Permissions and credits. The northernmost bungalow has an Average locked door. Campfires are scattered around the wasteland and will usually be found surrounded by some form of benches or makeshift bedding, in some cases, even making fine. Fallout: New Vegas Guide. location:Smith Mesa Prospector Camp enjoy:) When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. "Serenity" Jack Rabbit Springs is a highly irradiated location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Although the district originally called for eight small houses, only four of them survived the centuries, the rest either cannibalized for parts or ruined by the passage of time. Nuclear Explosion Maps & Simulations. For a A-Z list of all locations in Fallout: New Vegas, see here: Category:Fallout: New Vegas locations. El Dorado Dry Lake 67. Harpers Shack 59. Minor loot is found. The Prospector Saloon is located in the same geographical area as the real world Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings, Nevada. Walking Box Cavern 58. The Great Khan longhouse is a location in the Mojave Wasteland, located in Red Rock Canyon, upon a mountain cliff and is home to Papa Khan. One building can be found on the main road to the Strip, while two others can be found in Westside. Hunt some Geckos. The Nipton General Store or Nipton Trading Post is a building in Nipton, located in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Near Cottonwood Cove. There is a service rifle here, plus ammunition on the mantlepiece, and an unowned bed. A blank desert landscape, its main feature is a small hill in the center with a harvestable honey mesquite pod and a burned-out car with a suitcase in the back seat. Mr. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp; Sniper's nest; Snyder Prospector Camp; South cistern; South Vegas ruins; South Vegas ruins east entrance; South Vegas ruins west entrance;. Cheers! 8/25/17 Hotfix Update. Harpers Shack 59. El Dorado Gas And Service 66. would you recommend this guide? yes no. The structure is boarded up and the interior is inaccessible. 1 M7. The coyote den is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Smith Mesa prospector camp, a makeshift bunker in a small cave south of Cottonwood overlook in Fallout: New Vegas. There are three areas in Caesar's tent: The first is a small area that acts like a check-point for the main room. A corpse of a wastelander with a laser rifle can be found here, as well as an ash pile containing the remains of a recruit legionary. Members of the Westside Militia regularly patrol this area as an extra. - When Cottonwood Cove was irradiated, the. This is also the location where the platinum chip is used to install the. The eight Nipton houses are locations in the Mojave Wasteland. The cliffside prospector camp is a small shack located east of Ranger Station Echo in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. The surrounding area is mostly rocks and cliffs. El Dorado Gas And Service 64. This talk page is only for discussing improvements to the page " Smith Mesa prospector camp . There are abandoned vehicles to the east of the camp. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. The crashed vertibird is the wreckage of an Enclave vertibird, located east of the old nuclear test site and south of Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Smith Mesa prospector camp: 1 suitcase, 1 metal crate, 1 ammunition box 1 Built into the ground, fortified and a campfire to the left of it. They belong to the people of Primm, or at least used to, before the convicts moved in. The building is inaccessible. A dead Prospector can be found at the back of the cavern. Behind the scenes [] The crashed B-29 is a real world crash site, referencing a Boeing B-29 crashing into Lake Mead on July 21,. Then use ctrl+f to find the iConsoleTextXPos line and change the 30 to a larger number, 200 for example. The tent serves as the NCR headquarters of the office park and is the home of refugees seeking shelter here. Dead Wind Cavern 60. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp is good for hunting lakelurks. Upstairs, the Courier will find the office of. Download the game guide 'Complete Walkthrough' for Fallout: New Vegas on PlayStation 3 (PS3) (95684) News; PS4;. Outside there are two staircases that lead to the front entrance of the visitor center. Lucky Jim Mine is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp 69. 1 rumble. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp, a makeshift bunker in a small cave in Fallout: New Vegas. The sealed sewers is accessed from the central sewers. This location is an open cave with several coyotes roaming around the entrance. The crater was created by one of the few nuclear warheads that managed to get through Robert House's missile defense system. During the Great War, a truck containing radioactive waste from San Onofre was redirected here, away from attack targets. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute;. There are three brahmin corpses here, near a roadside Silver Rush advertisement. Goodsprings cemetery is the cemetery of the town of Goodsprings located northeast of the town. Clark Field 57. The safehouse contains NCR ranger combat armor at low condition, an assault carbine at low condition, and some surplus 5mm ammo. This location appeared on an early map of Fallout: New Vegas. Primm Pass is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals 68. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of. The McBride house is the home of Alice and Dusty McBride, part of their brahmin farm in the town of Novac. It was used to serve vacationers and commuters alike before the Great War. level 1 · 10 yr. For Fallout: New Vegas on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Favorite Player Housing". NCR. It is located south-southeast of Camp McCarran and north of the ant mound. Outside there are two staircases that lead to the front entrance of the visitor center. Log In Sign Up. Um cachorro de garimpeiro mora aqui,. It is situated equidistant from Lake Las Vegas to the north and 188 Trading Post to the south. The King, king of all King impersonators, rules the roost around here. The safehouse is used by members of the Legion operating west of the Colorado River. The building is filled with giant ants. It is located north of North Vegas Square. For Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road on the Xbox 360, Walkthrough by eolsunder. A small shack placed in the sheltered hills in between the two traffic lanes of Highway 95, the camp has been cobbled together from metal sheeting and sandbags. At some point,. Fallout: New Vegas, The Mojave Wasteland, Interactive map. Campfire is a world object in Fallout: New Vegas. The NCR tents are two tents to the western side of Primm in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. A BC original, Valhalla Pure is a great destination for camping equipment on Vancouver Island, with a location in Victoria (1824 Store St, 778-432-3579). The two creature types normally attack each other, but if the Courier is detected, they'll attack the Courier instead. Although this is a restaurant and there is food. . The Junction 15 railway station is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Helios One 65. Primm Pass 62. The barracks are the personal quarters of Pearl, the leader of the Boomers. The buildings are inaccessible. 188 Trading Post 66. This cave should not be confused with the much larger Camp Guardian caves. shack · Cassidy Caravans wreckage · Cazador nest · Charleston Cave · Chance's Map · Clark Field · Cliffside prospector camp. Neither the house nor the mine has any hostile creatures or traps. level 1 [deleted]. Non-aggressive dogs may also be found throughout the wasteland, including one simply referred to as "dog," which may be. There are 7 bungalows in total in Jacobstown, but only 3 of them can be entered. Safe house help Please. Fallout: New Vegas walkthroughs on SuperCheats - Walkthrough. It serves as the starting point for the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts, as well as a checkpoint for the path to Zion Canyon. The Mesquite Mountains crater is a heavily irradiated location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. This base used to serve law and order on Nevada's highways, providing the basic facilities for policemen on duty. It is situated west of Cottonwood Cove and south of Ranger Station Echo. East Las Vegas is a real world location, situated in Clark County, Nevada. The New California Republic plays a major part in the game's story, being in a three-way struggle amongst the Caesar's Legion slavers, and the mysterious Mr. The Hoover Dam visitor center is a section within the Hoover Dam in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. The main room is where Papa Khan, Regis and Karl sit at a dining table. For Fallout: New Vegas on the PlayStation 3, Walkthrough by eolsunder. Dry Wells is a camp laying south along the Colorado River from Cottonwood Cove in Arizona. Across the river, east of this location. Its eastern entrance is near to Harper's shack and can be accessed by heading southeast from the shack and. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp, a makeshift bunker in a small cave in Fallout: New Vegas. The Devil's Throat is a giant radioactive crater in the northeastern Mojave Desert. Have 10 intelligence and very high melee and use chopper. A small camp consisting of three benches and a campfire in-between. The area is heavily populated with lakelurks. They respawn every three days. Deep in the southern reaches of the Mojave, buried at the northern edge of the Castle Mountains, is an old Enclave VB-02 Vertibird. Crashed Vertibird is a location in Fallout: New Vegas, found east of the old nuclear test site and south of the Matthews animal husbandry farm. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute; Games; 3DS; Android; Board/Card; iOS; PC;. Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals 68. According to the diary pages, the child's parents went to Camp. 188 Trading Post 66. The basement contains a large firing range. Smith Mesa prospector Camp 000DEAB7: SLProspectorCamp02 Snyder Prospector Camp 000DE9B7: SLProspectorCamp03 Cliffside Prospector Camp 000E1A1F: SLProspectorsDen The. 1 Layout 2 Saque notável 3 Notas 4 Aparências 5 Nos bastidores O acampamento é um bunker improvisado em uma pequena caverna. 5 years ago, I just stuck all my. Helios One 63. It is located directly east of Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals on the opposite side of the Colorado River. . Discover the Wrecked Highwayman for the reference to the car from Fallout 2. It is located southeast of Nellis Air Force Base and northeast of Vault 34 and Gypsum train yard. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute;. El Dorado Gas And Service 66. A seemingly clean couch is on the left as the Courier enters, with a coffee table behind it with an empty whiskey bottle on top. O Smith Mesa Prospector Camp é um local em Mojave Wasteland em 2281. B&K Cleaners are three unmarked locations in Freeside and Westside. 9 - Smith Mesa Prospector Camp. Same protection with a reinforced leather, less durable but with a powerfull. Games. Angel cave; Ant burrow; Bighorn Bluff; Burial mounds; Caterpillar's Mound; Clear Water docks; Crashed scout bus; Court Fork overlook;For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "House checks, please. It is located south of the Strip North Gate and southwest from NCR. Ranger Station Bravo is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. There is a Sunset. After finishing the quest Three-Card Bounty, First Recon will move to Camp Forlorn Hope and Sergeant Bitter-Root and. For Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition on the Xbox 360, Walkthrough by eolsunder. Located southwest of Nelson, the area overlooks the Colorado River. Camp Golf 89. Dean's Electronics - On the workbench with the broken terminal. The Primm houses are located in the residential district of Primm in Fallout: New Vegas. There is a large mix of radscorpions of all sizes in the vicinity. Below the house. Smith Mesa prospector camp: On the concrete block, at the back of the rock alcove, behind the lean-to. --Added a Legion encounter with Los Illuminados (No Legion rep at risk)--Restored a unique weapon (Fallout 3 Chinese officer sword, NV Cut Content)--Added the grave of Metzger, Sr. Lieutenant Hayes can be found inside one of the tents alongside a NCR trooper, and the other tent is occupied by Sergeant McGee. Fallout: New Vegas locations Category page. This is the fourth and southernmost of four power plant sections, alongside plant 01, plant 02, and plant 03. Gibson Scrap Yard 64. The Griffin Wares sacked caravan is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. It is directly southeast of Primm and southwest of the emergency service railyard. Табір старателів Сміт-Меса (англ. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp 67. It is located southwest of Primm and north of Mesquite Mountains camp site. After the. Helios One 63. Established before the Great War, the highway checkpoint served travelers entering the long stretch of Interstate 15. Lieutenant Monroe stands in front of the barricade. The camp is a makeshift bunker in a small cave. The image remained unused in Fallout: New Vegas. Dean's Electronics: On the shelves, just left of the entrance. Fallout New Vegas. Couriers. If you're talking about Cottonwood Crater, you have to go through Fire Root. It serves as the home of Ranger Andy. The cavern can be found by heading due east toward the Lucky Jim Mine until reaching the cliff face, then heading north along the cliff. El Dorado Dry Lake 65. Outside the front entrance is a Mojave Express dropbox. There are also up to six lakelurks occupying the platform. The church is located in the east end of Camp Searchlight, near the elementary school and the fire station. Nevada 161 is a pre-War state highway, locally referred to as Goodsprings Road. Mostly full of feral NCR ghouls, but also one dead. Wolf's Bakery appears only in Fallout: New Vegas. The sniper's nest is comprised of three rusty metal sheets with two for the sides and one for the roof. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp 67. The Interstate 515 or I-515 is a roadway in the Mojave Wasteland. Board index ‹ Fallout ‹ Fallout: New Vegas; Change font size; Print view; FAQ; 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. Camp McCarran; Hoover Dam [R] 188 Trading Post; Jacobstown; Camp Forlorn Hope [A] Camp Golf [A] The Thorn [A] Cliffside Prospector Camp [A] Wolfhorn Ranch [A] Caesar’s Legion Safehouse: Requires obtaining the Safehouse key first, either legitimately or by cheating it in with the console. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute; Games; 3DS; Android; Board/Card;. An. Harpers Shack 60. Jacobstown bungalows are 3 bungalows close to each other, inside Jacobstown. 8 - Cottonwood Overlook. Sniper's Nest. There is also a bear trap on the. Here, the Legion prepares for its second assault on the NCR at Hoover Dam. The Smith Mesa prospector camp is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Further down the road, there are some large boulders blocking the path to the south. Fallout New Vegas | Smith Mesa Prospector Camp Explored. Southern Nevada wind farm Talk: Smith Mesa prospector camp. Inside is a. It is currently occupied by Caesar's Legion. Dead Wind Cavern 60. I see it on my compass, but I can't get to it. There are three areas in Caesar's tent: The first is a small area that acts like a check-point for the main room. A cattle prod can be found on a second floor dresser. 188 Trading Post 68. There is enough room for one person to sleep while another is on duty. Sniper's nest: On the long plank of wood next to the mattress, next to the . It is located northeast of HELIOS One and southwest of Boulder City along Highway 95. This small trailer park surrounded by a broken chain link fence is found behind a few Nipton houses on the southern side of town. Camp McCarran, known before the War as McCarran International Airport, is a pre-War airport which serves as the headquarters for the New California Republic Army in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. The remains of a rusting plane, slowly disappearing under the sands of the south Ivanpah Dry Lake. In the surrounding area, there a few fire geckos and numerous lakelurks to. Game Search; All Our Full Game Guides; Cheats, Hints and Codes; Questions and Answers; Forums;. " During the Great War, Nellis. gulch · Searchlight Airport · Searchlight East gold mine · Searchlight North gold mine · Silver. Walking Box Cavern 59. Please Comment on anything i could add to make better and give me your opinion. The city's main attraction, the New Vegas Strip is managed by Robert House, who utilizes his army of Securitron robots to maintain peace and order in the post-War city in the heart of the vast Mojave Desert. During the final quest, this power plant is where the New California Republic and Caesar's Legion standoff in the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. Red Lucy's chamber is a dimly lit section of the underground Las Vegas sewer system. 铁匠丘寻宝者营地(Smith Mesa Prospector Camp) 狙击手掩体(Sniper's nest) 斯奈德寻宝者营地(Snyder Prospector Camp) 南蓄水池(South cistern) 南维加斯废墟(South Vegas ruins) 南维加斯废墟东门 (South Vegas ruins east entrance) 南维加斯废墟西门 (South Vegas ruins west entrance)Fallout New Vegas. El Dorado Gas And Service 64. Allied Technologies offices is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Its only entrance is a collapsed tunnel on its northern side. Camp Golf 89. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute; Games; 3DS; Android;. Directly to the north is the Westside south entrance, with members of the Westside Militia. The site is situated a short distance south-southeast of the Smith Mesa prospector camp. The Prospector's Den. On the western side of the structure are two ramps attached to the edge of the platform to make it easier to get. Lake Las Vegas 88. B&K Cleaners was a chain of cleaning businesses before the war. It's south of Smith Mesa prospector camp and southwest of fire root cavern, in the south east portion of the map. Feral. The Courier can choose to use the. The Mojave Drive-in is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281, directly southwest of Nipton. The pass can also be used to return to the Mojave Wasteland. She is a sad woman in NCR armor sitting on the left of the concourse upon entering from the Camp McCarran. Freeside's north gate is run-down and is simply guarded by a handful of Kings members. 291: "[1. The building consists of the main room with lockers and bookcases, Pearl's bedroom, and a bathroom in the back corner. When facing Cottonwood Cove from. The first room to the right is Papa Khan's bedroom, and the door is secured with a. The Prospector's Den is a location in the Mojave Wasteland, directly south-east of Primm and south-west of the Emergency Service Railyard. It is located north of Boulder City and near Ranger station Alpha. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, Walkthrough by eolsunder. It is maintained by. Sniper's nestWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Helios One 65. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp | Fallout New Vegas LAWD Published June 18, 2022 1 Views 9 rumbles Smith Mesa Prospector Camp Socials 🔸 Twitch —. Smith Mesa Prospector Camp , there is a dog there all alone i wonder where is its owner , did he dies somewhere? There is a mine nearby, umm north searchlight gold mine - or something like that. This page lists all cell IDs in Fallout: New Vegas (minus the wilderness IDs). 188 Trading Post 66.